The history involving Australia and China, from the late-Qing dynasty (and the time of Australia’s Gold Rush in the nineteenth century), through the Republic of China (1912-1949) and into the era of the People’s Republic of China (1949-), is covered by a wide range of books, films, articles, as well as academic and art works. This section of The China Story site will, over time, provide an archive of material relevant to the study of The Australia-China Story. As this section develops we will by necessity include more material on the Australia-US-China relationship.
December 2012 marks the fortieth anniversary of the normalization of relations between the Commonwealth of Australia and the People’s Republic of China. In February 2012, the Australian Centre on China in the World launched in Beijing Australia and China: A Joint Report on the Bilateral Relationship written in collaboration with The China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR), a leading Beijing-based think tank. This en face bilingual report, downloadable here, contains a short overview of the history of the relationship between Australia and China (‘A Short History of the Australia-China Relationship’, quoted in full below).
In November 2012, we published a major speech on the past, present and possible future of the bilateral (and tri-lateral) relationship written by the first Australian ambassador to the People’s Republic, Dr Stephen FitzGerald. See Stephen FitzGerald, ‘Australia and China at Forty: Stretch of the Imagination‘, 12 November 2012 (for a Chinese translation, see The China Story Journal, 28 December 2012).
This year, we have also launched Australia-China Agenda 2013 as a contribution to this important election year and to the on-going consideration of the bilateral relationship.
In May this year, we announced the Australia-China Agenda 2013 Project, and published an initial essay by Carrillo Gantner (see below). Now that the date for the Federal Election has been announced (7 September 2013), we are publishing a full series of agenda papers here.
Our hope is Australia-China Agenda 2013 will bring to the attention of the public and the media, politicians and specialists some reflections and policy ideas authored by specialists with a professional interest and involvement in the bilateral relationship. The first three agenda papers appear below and can be read online or as downloadable PDF files. We hope you will follow this project over the coming weeks. An edited volume of the papers will be produced following the election and be made available online.
Agenda Papers:
- Kent Anderson and Glen Stafford: Language Learning in the Asian Century (for a PDF version, please click here)
- Kerry Brown: What Do China’s Leaders Want? (for a PDF version, please click here)
- Rowan Callick: Where the Chinese Communist Party is Going – and what this means for Australia (for a PDF version, please click here)
- Chinese Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR) China-Australia Project Group 中国现代国际关系研究院中澳关系课题组: China-Australia Economic Co-operation: Towards a shared transformation (原文请点击:中澳经济合作:共同转型) (for a PDF version, please click here)
- Andrew Chubb: What Should Be Done On The South China Sea? (for a PDF version, please click here)
- Ian Chubb: An Australia-China Scientific Partnership of Influence (for a PDF version, please click here)
- Antony Dapiran: Tales from the Trenches: Some Thoughts on Doing Business in China (for a PDF version, please click here)
- Ding Dou 丁斗: The Australian Economy in China’s Shadow (for a PDF version, please click here)
- Paul Farrelly: The Best Job in the World? Taiwan, Australia and working holiday visas (for a PDF version, please click here)
- Amy King: China-Japan: What Comes Next? (for a PDF version, please click here)
- Carrillo Gantner: Building Cultural Relations (for a PDF version, please click here)
- John Garnaut: Lessons of Bo Xilai: princelings and the state of law in China (for a PDF version, please click here)
- Jane Golley: China’s Great Rebalancing Act (for a PDF version, please click here)
- James Laurenceson: Improving Australia’s Investment Environment (for a PDF version, please click here)
- Anne McLaren: Engaging Australia’s Younger Generation with China (for a PDF version, please click here)
- Louise Merrington: Australia’s Engagement with China and India (for a PDF version, please click here)
- Tom Parker: Levelling the Playing Field: Sport and the Future of Australia-China Engagement (for a PDF version, please click here)
- Geoff Raby: Approaching the Bilateral Relationship with China (for a PDF version, please click here)
- Huw Slater: Climate Change Policy: An opportunity not to miss (for a PDF version, please click here)
- Graeme Smith: Understanding China through its Local Politics (for a PDF version, please click here)
- Neil Thomas and Thomas Williams: ‘Australia Dreaming’: Visions of a new China relationship (for a PDF version, please click here)
- Susan Trevaskes: Human Rights and Politics (for a PDF version, please click here)
- Frank Tudor: The Australia-China Business Relationship: Past, present and future (for a PDF version, please click here)
- David Walker: Getting It: Predicting the Chinese Future (for a PDF version, please click here)
- You Ji 由冀: PLA Transformation and Australia-Chinese Military Relations (for a PDF version, please click here)
A Note on Access
Some of the material listed below is pay-wall protected, or publicly accessible only following the end of a pay-wall embargo. Many libraries, both public and institutional, have online subscriptions to newspapers and other media outlets, allowing readers/users access to the following material.
- Australia-China Council
- Asialink
- Australia China Business Council
- Australia-China Youth Association (ACYA)
- Australian Culture in China
- Australian Embassy, China
- Australian Studies Centres in China
- Australia-Taiwan Business Council
- AusCham Hong Kong & Macau
- Chinese Museum, Melbourne
- Chinese Studies Association of Australia
- China Studies Centre, The University of Sydney
- East Asia Forum
- Embassy of the People’s Republic of China, Australia
- The George E. Morrison Lectures in Ethnology, ANU
- Golden Dragon Museum 金龍博物館, Bendigo, Victoria
- Hong Kong Australia Business Association
- Year of Chinese Culture in Australia, 2011-2012
CIW Partner Institutions in Australia
Recent Works on the Australia-China Relationship
CIW Publications, Essays and Speeches related to the Bilateral Relationship
‘Australia and China: The Way Forward Some Suggested Principles’, a CIW submission to the Commonwealth Government White Paper, ‘Australia in the Asian Century’ (see: Terms of Reference) from CIW-CICIR, Australia and China: A Joint Report on the Bilateral Relationship, pp.56-67.
Ding Dou 丁斗, ‘China-Australia Economic Relationship 中澳经济关系’, February 2012.
Frances Adamson (Australian Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China), ‘Ambassador’s Remarks for the Launch of the CIW/CICIR Joint Report: “Australia and China Today” ’, 27 February 2012, Capital M, Beijing.
Geremie R. Barmé, ‘Australia and China in the World: Whose Literacy?’, Australian Centre on China in the World Inaugural Annual Lecture, 15 July 2011.
Brendan Taylor, ‘China’s Foreign Policy Aggressiveness’, China Story Yearbook 2012: Red Rising, Red Eclipse, Canberra: CIW, ANU, 2012, Chapter 1, pp.1-23.
Scott Dewar, ‘Australia and China and the United States’, 2010, downloadable PDF here.
Stephen FitzGerald, ‘Australia and China at Forty: Stretch of the Imagination‘, 12 November 2012. Chinese version, 费思棻, ‘舒展的想象力: 澳大利亚与中国已届四十年‘, The China Story Journal, 28 December 2012.
Geremie R. Barmé, ‘Doubtless at Forty 四十不惑‘, The China Story Journal, 1 December 2012.
Marking the Fortieth Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations, 2012
- CIW-CICIR, Australia and China: A Joint Report on the Bilateral Relationship, launched on 22 February 2012 in Beijing by the Australian Ambassador, Dr Frances Adamson, and Vice-president Yang Mingjie, CICIR;
- Ezra Vogel, Harvard University, co-hosted visit to ANU, July 2012;
- The China Story Project and China Story Yearbook, launched on 10 August 2012 at ANU by Dr Ken Henry;
- Wang Gungwu, ‘China’s Choices‘, CIW Annual Lecture, 26 September 2012, ANU;
- Articles marking the Australian government’s White Paper, Australia in the Asian Century, in The China Story Journal (see below);
- Stephen FitzGerald, ‘Australia and China at Forty: Stretch of the Imagination‘, 12 November 2012;
- The Second Australia-China Forum, with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Chinese People’s Institute of Foreign Affairs (CPIFA), 15-16 November 2012, Beijing; and,
- Geremie R Barmé, ‘Doubtless at Forty 四十不惑‘, an address at the Celebration of the Fortieth Anniversary of Australia-China Diplomatic Relations organised by The Federation of Chinese Associations of the ACT, 20 November 2012, published in The China Story Journal, 1 December 2012.
- 费思棻, ‘舒展的想象力: 澳大利亚与中国已届四十年’ (the Chinese translation of Stephen FitzGerald’s speech), The China Story Journal, 28 December 2012.
- Geremie R. Barmé, ‘A Letter to the Chinese Embassy’, The China Story Journal, 31 December 2012.
Australia China Council (ACC), Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (see the ACC website, here). The projects are:
- Beyond the Cables: Australian Ambassadors to China 1972-2012 Oral History Project;
- Gough Whitlam and the Road to Establishing Formal Relations with the People’s Republic of China: the significance for contemporary Australian-Chinese relations and, in particular, the paper ‘The Coup that Laid the Fear of China’, by Australia’s first Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China, Stephen FitzGerald;
- Australian Volunteers International – China Celebration; and,
- Australia and China at 40, an edited volume.
Australia in the Asian Century: Commonwealth Government White Paper, 28 October 2012
White Paper website, including the text of the White Paper.
White Paper submissions.
Select Submissions
Australia-China Business Council Submission, 3 March 2012.
Australian Centre on China in the World Submission, 5 March 2012.
Geoff Raby Submission, 7 March 2012.
Pre-launch Commentary
Brendan Nicholson, ‘More to Asian Century than Defence: Peter Drysdale’, The Australian, 17 August 2012.
Peter Jennings, ‘Ken Henry Misses the Big Picture’, The Australian, 17 July 2012.
Ross Fitzgerald, ‘We Have Nothing to Fear in Tying Our Future to Asia’, The Australian, 25 August 2012.
Editorial, ‘Onwards, Into the Asian (not just Chinese) Century’, Sydney Morning Herald, 27 August 2012.
David Uren, ‘Rudd Seeks to Pre-empt PM’s China White Paper with his Own Version’, The Australian, 5 October 2012.
Hamish McDonald, ‘Charting Our Course for Meeting the Challenges of the Asian Century‘, Sydney Morning Herald, 27 October 2012.
The Launch
Julia Gillard, ‘Australia in the Asian Century’ launch, 28 October 2012.
Frances Adamson, Australian Ambassador to China, ‘Speech to the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of China, An Introduction to the “Australia in the Asian Century” White Paper‘, Australian Embassy, Beijing, 31 October 2012.
Post-launch Commentary (28 October 2012-)
KPMG, ‘Asian Century‘ website.
David Brophy, ‘Australia’s Asia‘, The China Story Journal, 31 October 2012.
Bernard Keane, ‘Here’s One We Prepared Earlier: Labor goes back to Asia’, Crikey, 29 October 2012.
The Lowy Institute for International Policy, ‘First Responses to Asian Century White Paper’.ABC Radio National
‘Government Commits to Asian Century’, ABC Radio National, 29 October 2012.
‘PM Gillard on the Asian Century White Paper’, ABC Radio National, 29 October 2012.
‘Views on the Australian Asian Century White Paper’, ABC Radio National, 29 October 2012.
‘Business Council Responds to Asian Century Whit Paper’, ABC Radio National, 30 October 2012.The Australian (and News Corp)
Adam Gartrell, ‘Vision but Little Detail in Asian Paper’, AAP in The Australian, 28 October 2012.
‘Business Groups Call for Joint Effort on Asia Strategy’, AAP in The Australian, 28 October 2012.
Editorial, ‘Deepening Regional Security’, The Australian, 29 October 2012.
‘Indonesia Welcomes Canberra Focus on Asia’, The Australian, 29 October 2012.
Brendan Nicholson, ‘Migrants with Specialist Skills Needed to Help Bolster Economy’, The Australian, 29 October 2012.
Greg Sheridan, ‘Meaningless Promises, Replete with Pure Spin’, The Australian, 29 October 2012.
Stephen Kirchner, ‘Prime Minister, This Asian Century is So Last Century’, The Australian, 30 October 2012.
Talking Point, ‘Asian Century Faces Hurdles Beyond Labor’s Spin’, The Australian, 30 October 2012.
Geoffrey Garrett and Sean Gallagher, ‘Key to Asian Century is Already on Campus’, The Australian, 31 October 2012.
Mark Kenny, ‘Uni Students Paid to Go to Asia Under New Federal Government Program’, The Australian, 31 October 2012.
Pia Akerman, ‘Australia Must Make Hard Decisions for Asian Century: Ross Garnaut’, The Australian, 1 November 2012.
Brett Mason, ‘Gilding the Lily or Seducing the Lotus: Australian universities in the Asian Century’, The Australian, 1 November 2012.
Greg Sheridan, ‘White Paper Merely Talks the Talk, in a Language No One Will Learn’, The Australian, 1 November 2012.
Michael Wesley, ‘Asia White Paper a Oneway Bet’, Herald Sun video interview, 1 November 2012.
Matthew Westwood, ‘Cultural Council to Rise Again in Asian Century’, The Australian, 1 November 2012.
Rowan Callick, ‘Silence Speaks Volumes About Opinions of Paper’, The Australian, 2 November 2012.
Rowan Callick, ‘Vision of Region “Too Optimistic” ’, The Australian, 2 November 2012.
David Crowe, ‘Asia Agenda “Must be Supported” ’, The Australia, 2 November 2012.
Bernard Lane, ‘What Asia Really Wants’, The Australian, 2 November 2012.
Rowan Callick, ‘Region’s Seal of Approval for Our Asian Century‘, The Australian, 3 November 2012.
Kevin Rudd, ‘Asian White Paper a Positive Issue – Rudd’, Herald Sun video interview, 4 November 2012.
Mark Schliebs and Rowan Callick, ‘Vision “Clouded on China and US”, Says Richard Woolcott’, The Australian, 5 November 2012.
Lanai Vasek, ‘Craig Emerson Welcomes Richard Woolcott’s Asia Policy Criticism’, The Australian, 5 November 2012.
Gary Johns, ‘Vision Not Worth the Paper it’s Written On’, The Australian, 6 November 2012.
Kathy Keele, ‘Cultural Exchanges with Asia Help Artists Improve Relations’, The Australian, 6 November 2012.
Yasmin Haskell, ‘We Must Look to an Ancient Tongue to Understand Asia‘, The Australian, 7 November 2012.
Robin Jeffrey, ‘White Paper Needs Policy Support If We’re to Succeed’, The Australian, 7 November 2012.
Tony Makin, ‘We Can’t Compete With Asia With European Policies’, The Australian, 13 November 2012.
Bernard Lane, ‘First Envoy to China Sees Risks in US Alliance’, The Australian, 14 November 2012.
Alexander Downer, ‘We Don’t Have to be Asianised to be an Asset to the Region’, The Australian, 14 November 2012.
Michael L’Estrange, ‘Don’t Discard Old Ties for New Times’, The Australian, 14 November 2012.
Michele Ford, ‘Unis Striving to Bridge Asia Gap’, The Australian, 21 November 2012.
Cath Carver, ‘West Shows Way to Asia’s Riches’, The Australian, 22 November 2012.
Tony Milner, ‘Intimacy with ASEAN Not a Choice But a Necessity’, The Australian, 22 November 2012.
Andrew Burrell, ‘Labor Decades Behind Us on Asia Links, Says Barnett’, The Australian, 28 November 2012.
Paul Kelly, ‘Indo-Pacific Tide Rises in the West’, The Australian, 28 November 2012.
Rowan Callick, ‘Asian Paper “Thin on Value” ’, The Australian, 29 November 2012.
Greg Sheridan, ‘No Asia-literacy in Weasel Words‘, The Australian, 18 April 2013.Australian Financial Review
Geoffrey Barker, ‘Dark Side of White Paper’, Australian Financial Review, 29 October 2012.
Editorial, ‘Worthy Aims, But Short on How to Achieve Them’, Australian Financial Review, 29 October 2012.
Andrew MacIntyre, ‘Meeting the Challenge of Great Change’, Australian Financial Review, 29 October 2012.
Tim Dodd, ‘Our 20-year Investment in Asia’, Australian Financial Review, 29 October 2012.
Tony Walker, ‘Time to Accept Reality of China’s Rise, Deepen Ties’, Australian Financial Review, 29 October 2012.
John Kerin, ‘Australian Diplomacy Risks Falling Behind’, Australian Financial Review, 29 October 2012.
John Kerin, ‘Foreign Investment Push in Key Areas’, Australian Financial Review, 29 October 2012.
Matthew Cranston, ‘Nice Words, Action Needed’, Australian Financial Review, 29 October 2012.
Michael Smith, ‘It’s Up To Business To Do the Heavy Lifting’, Australian Financial Review, 29 October 2012.
Mike Smith, ‘Asia Roadmap Will be a Real Game-changer’, Australian Financial Review, 29 October 2012.
Robert Prichard, ‘White Paper Fails to Deliver on Energy’, Australian Financial Review, 29 October 2012.
Rohini Kappadath, ‘No Easy Route to the Business Wealth of Asia’, Australian Financial Review, 29 October 2012.
Anne Hyland, ‘Business Rejects Asian Board Quotas’, Australian Financial Review, 30 October 2012.
Kishore Mahubani,‘Time to Accept Our Place in Asian Region’, Australian Financial Review, 30 October 2012.
Lisa Murray and Lucy Guo, ‘OK, Says China, But Australia Could Still Do Better’, Australian Financial Review, 30 October 2012.
Editorial, ‘Business Needs Asia Flexibility’, Australian Financial Review, 31 October 2012.
Douglas Gautier, ‘Cultural Exchange Builds Asia Relationships’, Australian Financial Review, 31 October 2012.
Luke Forrestal and Andrew Cleary, ‘We’re With the White Paper – Packer’, Australian Financial Review, 31 October 2012.
Rachel Nickless, ‘Asian Century Overview “Lacks Detail” ’, Australian Financial Review, 31 October 2012.
Greg Earl, ‘Gang of Four Finds Some Common Ground in White Paper’, Australian Financial Review, 30 October 2012.
Steven Schwartz, ‘The Asian Century: Gillard’s Tardis idea’, Australian Financial Review, 31 October 2012.
Jacob Greber, ‘Work Needed to Ensure “Soft Landing”: Garnaut’, Australian Financial Review, 1 November 2012.
Jacob Greber and Angus Grigg, ‘Chinese Demand Not So Great: Garnaut’, Australian Financial Review, 1 November 2012.
Allan Fels, ‘Deepen Ties With Asia, Do It Now’, Australian Financial Review, 1 November 2012.
Verona Burgess, ‘Public Service Plots Steps into Asia’, Australian Financial Review, 1 November 2012.
Michael Wesley, ‘Australia Must Go All the Way with Asia’, Review supplement, Australian Financial Review, 2 November 2012.
Brian Toohey, ‘Still Too Preoccupied with US in Asian Century’, Australian Financial Review, 3 November 2012.
Greg Earl, ‘Asian Paper: an old story in a glossy new cover’, Australian Financial Review, 3 November 2012.
Rowan Dean, ‘It’ll Take a Century to Become an Aussie Bludger’, Australian Financial Review, 3 November 2012.
‘White Paper a Wake-up Call to Australia: Rudd’, Australian Financial Review, 4 November 2012.
Richard Woolcott, ‘Asian Century: for the US, but not against China’, Australian Financial Review, 5 November 2012, edited text of The Hawke Lecture, delivered at the University of South Australia.
Glenn Withers, ‘White Paper Targets are Lofty, but Worthy, Goals’, Australian Financial Review, 5 November 2012.
Editorial, ‘White Paper Suppresses Needed Reform’, Australian Financial Review, 6 November 2012.
David Paterson, ‘Asia Has Vast Mining Potential’, Australian Financial Review, 7 November 2012.
Reynah Tang and Julian Wan, ‘Tax Treaties for Asian Century’, Australian Financial Review, 7 November 2012.
Taizoon DalalHighton, ‘Asian Century a Beautiful Dream’, Australian Financial Review, 7 November 2012.
David Olsson, ‘Asian Bias Needs to be Examined’, Australian Financial Review, 6 November 2012.
‘Businesses Wrong on Asia Strategy: Henry’, Australian Financial Review, 9 November 2012.
Jacob Townsend and Anthony Bergin, ‘Asian Connection Has a Dark Underbelly’, Australian Financial Review, 26 November 2012.
Joanna Heath, ‘Foreign Policy Should Target South-east Asia: Report’, Australian Financial Review, 29 November 2012.The Canberra Times
Paul Malone, ‘An Asian Vision Blinkered by Greed’, The Canberra Times, 9 December 2012.The Conversation
‘Asian Century White Paper: Experts Respond’, The Conversation, 28 October 2012.
James Laurenceson, ‘In the Asian Century, There’s no Such Thing as Success Without Sacrifice’, The Conversation, 29 October 2012.
Kenneth Chern, ‘Asian Century White Paper Talks the Talk, Can Australia Walk the Walk?’, The Conversation, 29 October 2012.
Purnendra Jain and Peter Mayer, ‘India Gains its Rightful Place in the Asian Century White Paper’, The Conversation, 29 October 2012.
Simon Marginson, ‘Asian Century White Paper Sets Tricky Targets for Universities’, The Conversation, 29 October 2012.
Sunanda Creagh, ‘Q+A: Asian Studies Must Start in Primary School, Says Uni Expert’, The Conversation, 29 October 2012.
Kanishka Jayasuriya, ‘Asian Century White Paper is Big on Rhetoric, Small on Ideas’, The Conversation, 30 October 2012.
Shahar Hameiri, ‘Asian Century White Paper is a Foreign Policy Fail, but Not by Accident’, The Conversation, 30 October 2012.
Ross Garnaut, ‘Will the Asian Century Reboot Our Debate on Growth?’, The Conversation, 1 November 2012.
Ross Tapsell, ‘Across the Curriculum: Access to Asian Languages Isn’t Everything’, The Conversation, 1 November 2012.Crikey
William Steed, ‘Australia’s Asian Literacy in the Asian Century‘, Crikey, 29 October 2012.
Ben Eltham, ‘Art an Important Pathway to Asian Engagement‘, Crikey, 2 November 2012.
Bernard Keane, ‘The Week in Parliament: from the strategic heights to muddy depths‘, Crikey, 2 November 2012.
Glenn Dyer, ‘US Election Coverage: don’t mention China‘, Crikey, 7 November 2012.The Interpreter
Sam Roggeveen, ‘PM’s Australia in the Asian Century White Paper Launch: First Impressions’, The Interpreter, 28 October 2012.
David McRae, ‘What the Asian Century White Paper Means for Our Ties with Indonesia’, The Interpreter, 29 October 2012.
Graeme Dobell, ‘Asia White Paper: Process and Politics’, The Interpreter, 29 October 2012.
Stephen Grenville, ‘Asian Century: Life in the Slipstream’, The Interpreter, 29 October 2012.
Alex Oliver, ‘Rebuilding Australia’s Diplomatic Network… When Circumstances Allow’, The Interpreter, 30 October 2012.
Andrew Carr, ‘Asian Century White Paper: Defence WP Preview?’, The Interpreter, 30 October 2012.
John Blaxland, ‘The Australian Mindset in Asia’, The Interpreter, 30 October 2012.
Peter Dean, ‘All the Way with the USA in the Asian Century?’, The Interpreter, 31 October 2012.
‘Reader Ripostes: Asian Century White Paper’, The Interpreter, 1 November 2012.
Jenny Hayward-Jones, ‘PNG in the Asian Century’, The Interpreter, 1 November 2012.
Michele Ford, ‘White Paper: Searching for Southeast Asia’, The Interpreter, 1 November 2012.
Graeme Dobell, ‘Asian Century: Marker, Map and Menu’, The Interpreter, 2 November 2012.
Daniel Woker, ‘Asian Century: A European Reaction’, The Interpreter, 7 November 2012.
Nick Bryant, ‘Multiculturalism in the Asian Century’, The Interpreter, 9 November 2012.
Sam Roggeveen, ‘The Tabloids and the Asian Century’, The Interpreter, 9 November 2012.
Nick Bryant, ‘Journalism in the Asian Century’, The Interpreter, 15 November 2012.Lowy Institute
Linda Jakobson, ‘Australia’s Pollyanna Asia Policy’, The Wall Street Journal Asia in Lowy Institute, 2 November 2012.
Rory Medcalf, ‘Recognising the Asian Century at Last’, On Line Opinion in Lowy Institute, 2 November 2012.Sydney Morning Herald
Peter Hartcher, ‘Australia the True Subject of Paper‘, Sydney Morning Herald, 29 October 2012.
Michael Pascoe, ‘Stating the Bleeding Obvious on the Asian Epoch‘, Sydney Morning Herald, 29 October 2012.
Peter Cai, ‘Flat Reception for White Paper‘, Sydney Morning Herald, 29 October 2012.
Editorial, ‘An Uncomfortable but Prosperous Future Awaits‘, Sydney Morning Herald, 30 October 2012.
Andrew Hewett, ‘What’s In It For Us? Australia papers over Asian challenges‘, Sydney Morning Herald, 31 October 2012.
Ross Gittins, ‘Asia Has Nearly Caught Up, Now to Converge‘, Sydney Morning Herald, 3-4 November 2012.
Ed Logue, ‘Rudd Suggests Asian Language Job Quota‘, 4 November 2012, Sydney Morning Herald.
AAP, ‘White Paper Positive, Wake-up Call: Rudd‘, Sydney Morning Herald, 4 November 2012.
Gerard Henderson, ‘White Paper Risks Obscuring Long History of Engagement with Asia‘, Sydney Morning Herald, 06 November 2012.
Ross Gittins, ‘Food Boom with a Twist Turns Screws on Farmers‘, Sydney Morning Herald, 7 November 2012.
Alison Carrol, ‘White Paper Leaves a Blank Spot on Developing the Performing Arts’ Connection with Asia‘, Sydney Morning Herald, 12 November 2012.
Philip Wen, ‘Get Back to ASEAN: Evans, Downer’, Sydney Morning Herald, 29 November 2012.Wall Street Journal
Linda Jakobson, ‘Australia’s Pollyanna Asia Policy‘, Wall Street Journal (Asian Edition), 1 November 2012.
Chinese-language Media Responses
财经网 (reprints of articles apparently originally published by Global Times/Huanqiu Online)
澳发表亚洲世纪白皮书 喜迎中国’消费阶层‘经济参考报
澳欲借亚洲’雄风’谋繁荣 不再提’中国威胁’ (a reprint of the Nanfang Daily piece)
澳大利亚发布亚洲世纪白皮书 率先大胆应对亚洲崛起北京商报
More White Paper-related material forthcoming.
The China Century: Australian Moguls and the Kowtow, September 2012
‘Australia in China’s Century Conference’, reports, 14 September 2012.
Live Blog: ‘Australia in China’s Century Conference’, 14 September 2012.
Greg Earl, Ben Holgate and Jacob Greber, ‘Stokes and Packer: We need to bow to China’, Australian Financial Review, 14 September 2012.
Full Text of Treasurer Wayne Swan’s Speech to Australia in China’s Century Conference, The Australian, 15 September 2012.
Greg Sheridan, ‘Colin Barnett Errs on the Political Front’, The Australian, 15 September 2012.
Editorial, ‘At Dawn of China’s Century’, The Australian, 17 September 2012.
Peter Hartcher, ‘Puff for Magic Dragon Ignores China’s Fragility’, Sydney Morning Herald, 18 September 2012.
Deborah Snow, ‘We Respect China, Insists Incoming Defence Head’, Sydney Morning Herald, 19 September 2012.
John Garnaut, ‘Australia Counters Chinese Threat’, Sydney Morning Herald, 22 September 2012.
Other Recent Reporting, Events and Speeches
(January- April 2013)
Scott Murdoch, ‘Rising Costs May Erode Chinese Competitiveness’, The Weekend Australian, 5 January 2013.
Darren Davidson, ‘Seek Tightens Grip on China Site’, The Weekend Australian, 12 January 2013.
Matthew Kidman, ‘China’s Next Growth Phase Could Pass Us By’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 14 January 2013.
Damon Kitney, ‘Packer’s Echo Strategy Under Pressure After Taiwan Raids’, The Australian, 17 January 2013.
Scott Murdoch, ‘ANZ Chief Calls for a Treaty with China’, The Australian, 18 January 2013.
Peter Cai, ‘Open Society a Pathway to Prosperity’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 21 January 2013.
John Garnaut, ‘Lost in Translation: Backstage Drama Over Staging of Cho Cho’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 21 January 2013
Paul Maley, ‘”Terror Tourist” Bans Plummet’, The Australian, 21 January 2013.
Paul Maley and Brendan Nicholson, ‘Cyber War, China “Key to Security”, says Julia Gillard’, The Australian, 21 January 2013.
Peter Cai, ‘Henry Brings Asia Eye to ASX Board’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 23 January 2013.
Greg Earl, ‘East v West, Outcome Unclear’, The Australian Financial Review, 25 January 2013.
Peter Cai, ‘Huawei Still Pushes NBN Deal’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 8 March 2013.
Philip Wen, ‘Frustration Behind Chinese Iron Ore Accusations’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 8 March 2013.
Angus Grigg, ‘Solar Billionaire Shi Flew Too Close to Sun‘, The Australian Financial Review, 28 March 2013.
(November-December 2012)
Sue Neales, ‘Chinese Secure Northern Foodbowl as Row Over Ord River Lease Continues’, The Australian, 14 November 2012.
Chip Le Grand, ‘Deferring Foreign Policy to US Must End, Keating Warns’, The Australian, 15 November 2012.
Cameron Stewart, ‘Clinton Soothes China on Alliance’, The Australian, 15 November 2012.
Paul Keating, ‘Let’s Loosen Ties to the West and Focus on Our Own Neighbourhood’, The Australian, 15 November 2012.
Mark Baker, ‘US Alliance Comes at Cost of Regional Status – Keating’, Sydney Morning Herald, 15 November 2012.
Sue Neales and Ben Packham, ‘MPs Condemn State Deal with Zhongfu’, Sydney Morning Herald, 15 November 2012.
Cameron Stewart, ‘We’re All Friends Here’, The Australian, 16 November 2012.
Sue Neales, ‘Chinese Deal Sweetens Ord Valley Future’, The Australian, 17-18 November 2012.
Greg Sheridan, ‘Howard Slams “Fatuous” Keating’, The Australian, 17-19 November 2012.
Greg Sheridan, ‘Enough Adolescent Debates on Relations with US, China’, The Australian, 17-19 November 2012.
David Wroe, ‘Nation Told to Learn from “Mature” US Policy on China’, Sydney Morning Herald, 17-18 November 2012.
Phillip Coorey, ‘Gillard Has Howard’s View on Juggling US and China’, Sydney Morning Herald, 19 November 2012.
Sophie Morris, ‘Chinese Escape FIRB Scrutiny on Ord’, Australian Financial Review, 23 November 2012.
Sue Neales, ‘A Lot of Chinese Businessmen Will Watch the Progress of Wu Pui Ngai’s Ord River Project’, The Australian, 23 November 2012.
Ben Jensen, ‘We Have Much to Learn From Education Systems in Asia’, The Australian, 23 November 2012.
John Garnaut and Philip Wen, ‘Blood, Threats and Tears as Deal Goes Bad’, Sydney Morning Herald, 24-25 November 2012.
Andrew Burrell, ‘Reform or Lose in Asia: Chaney’, The Australian, 26 November 2012.
Andrew Burrell, ‘Mistake to Favour China Over US’, The Australian, 26 November 2012.
Andrew Burrell, ‘Rio Veteran Talks up China Story’, The Australian, 27 November 2012.
Rowan Callick, ‘Can We Talk? Outsiders get rare seat at China’s table as value of good relations dawns’, The Australian, 27 November 2012.
Rory Jeffes, ‘Music Strikes a Chord with Asia’, The Australian, 27 November 2012.
Bernard Lane, ‘China Overtakes US as Our Top “Knowledge Partner” ’, The Australian, 28 November 2012.
Sarah-Jane Tasker, ‘Talison Lithium Backs $815m Chinese Takeover’, The Australian, 8-9 December 2012.
Andrew Main, ‘Chinese Scrutiny to Delay Archer Daniels Midland’s Pursuit of GrainCorp’, The Australian, 10 December 2012.
Peter Cai and Peter Ker, ‘China to Push Iron Ore Projects’, Sydney Morning Herald, 11 December 2012.
Scott Murdoch, ‘China’s Transformation Would be One of the Biggest Political, Economic Events: Kevin Rudd’, The Australian, 12 December 2012.
Billy Griffiths, The China Breakthrough: Whitlam in the Middle Kingdom, 1971, Melbourne: Monash University Publishing, 2012
Roderick Macfarquhar, ‘Cultural Revelations’, The Australian Financial Review, 14 December 2012.
Rowan Callick, ‘Changing Fortunes’, The Weekend Australian Magazine, 15 December 2012.
Tom Miller, ‘The Long March’, The Weekend Australian Magazine, 15 December 2012.
Matt Chambers, ‘Iron Ore Rises on China Rebound’, The Australian, 18 December 2012.
Matt Chambers, ‘Rio Plays Catch-up in Sell-off Stakes’, The Australian, 18 December 2012.
Bob Davis and Chun-Wei Yap, ‘ China to Push Ahead with Stalled Reforms’, The Weekend Australian, 18 December 2012.
Alan Dupont, ‘Eyes North as the Asian Giant Stirs’, The Australian, 18 December 2012.
Barry FitzGerald, ‘Fortescue on Right Track with Infrastructure Move’, The Australian, 18 December 2012.
Barry FitzGerald, ‘Equity Fund EMR Ready for Resources Rebound with $100m’, The Australian, 18 December 2012.
Scott Murdoch, ‘Critics Say Beijing’s New Broom is Sweeping Over Details’, The Australian, 18 December 2012.
Rick Wallace, ‘Big Win Brings Problems’, The Australian, 18 December 2012.
Matt Chambers, ‘Chinese Poised to Acquire WestSide’, The Australian, 19 December 2012.
Stephen Koukoulas, ‘Signs of a Strong Chinese Recovery Bode Well for Us’, The Australian, 19 December 2012.
Andrew Burrell, ‘ANZ Banks on Asian Growth to Offset Local Weakness’, The Australian, 20 December 2012.
Paul Garvey, ‘BC Offers Help as Hong Kong Investor Vows to Sell Its Stake’, The Australian, 20 December 2012.
Scott Murdoch, ‘Exporters Ready to Milk Chinese Tariff Cuts’, The Australian, 20 December 2012.
Sarah-Janet Tasker, ‘Whitehaven Denies China Takeover Bid Speculation’, The Australian, 20 December 2012.
Rowan Callick, ‘Wall Came Tumbling Down’, The Australian, 21 December 2012.
Sue Neales and Lanai Vasek, ‘Emerson Tells China “Green Tape” Will Be Cut’, The Australian, 21 December 2012.
Cameron Stewart, ‘Australia May Host US Communications “Assets“’, The Australian, 21 December 2012.
Cameron Stewart, ‘Chinese Military Power “Shifting Pacific Balance”, says Defence White Paper’, The Australian, 21 December 2012.
Cameron Stewart, ‘Strategic Retreat on Defence Aims’, The Australian, 21 December 2012.
Sarah-Janet Tasker and Scott Murdoch, ‘China Firm Shelves Iron Ore Project’, The Australian, 21 December 2012.
Dennis Shanahan, ‘Chinese University Gives Posting to Rudd’, The Weekend Australian, 22 December 2012.
Anthony Dennis, ‘Coming to Sydney –a Boutique Hotel from the master’, The Australian, 29 December 2012.
Brendan Nicholson, ‘Hawke Lash “Foolish” Fear of China’s Power’, The Weekend Australian, 29 December 2012.
William Pesk, ‘Family Ties Threaten to Strangle Growth – and Staying Mum Won’t Help’, The Weekend Business in The Sydney Morning Herald, 29 Decemer 2012,.
James Robertson, ‘Mandarin and Dim Sum Lure More Chinese Visitors’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 29 December 2012.
Philip Wen, ‘Wave of Reforms Needed at a Time of Seismic Shift’, The Weekend Business in The Sydney Morning Herald, 29 December 2012.
(July-November 2012)
China Update 2012, Crawford School, ANU, 10 July 2012.
Tony Abbott, ‘Address to AustCham Beijing, China‘, posted online on 24 July 2012.
John Garnaut, ‘Abbott to China: time for reform’, Sydney Morning Herald, 24 July 2012.
‘Abbott Speech Laments White Australia Policy’, Sydney Morning Herald, 24 July 2012.
Rowan Callick, ‘Experts Split over Abbott’s China Speech’, The Australian, 26 July 2012.
Greg Sheridan, ‘Abbott’s Beijing Speech Got the Balance Right’, The Australian, 2 August 2012.
‘Australia’s Economic Xenophobia Back in Spotlight’, Xinhua News Agency, 4 August 2012.
Sophie Morris, ‘Howard at Odds with Abbott Over China Investment’, The Australian Financial Review, 31 August 2012.
Kevin Rudd, ‘The West isn’t Ready for the Rise of China’, New Statesman, 11 July 2012.
Michael Sainsbury, ‘Leaders to Repair Ties: Business building bridges to China’, The Australian, 6 August 2012.
Hugh White, The China Choice: Why America Should Share Power, Melbourne: Black Inc., 2012 and ‘The Speech Obama Should Make’, an excerpt from the book, Sydney Morning Herald, 4 August 2012.
Malcolm Turnbull, ‘Power Shift: Hugh White’s “The China Choice” ‘, The Monthly, August 2012.
Paul Keating, ‘The US Missed China’s Rise’, excerpt from a speech launching Hugh White’s The China Choice, The Australian Financial Review, 7 August 2012.
Rory Medcalf, ‘Power Play Risks Dissent Over Accord’, The Australian, 9 August 2012.
Paul Kelly, ‘China Divides Labor Across its Generations‘, The Australian, 11-12 August 2012.
Paul Keating, ‘A Case for Chinese Legitimacy’, The Australian, 11-12 August 2012.
Greg Sheridan, ‘Asia Done in Black and White’, The Australian, 11-12 August 2012.
Paul Dibb, ‘Why I Disagree with Hugh White on China’s Rise’, The Australian, 13 August 2012.
Peter Hartcher, ‘Any China Conversation Better Than None at All’, Sydney Morning Herald, 14 August 2012.
Editorial, ‘Australia’s China Balancing Act’, The Australian, 14 August 2012.
Paul Cleary, ‘Arms Across the Pacific’, The Australian, 21 August 2012.
Paul Keating, ‘Keating on China’, The Australian, 23 August 2012.
Ben Potter, ‘US Admits Asia “Pivot” Overshot’, The Australian Financial Review, 24 August 2012.
David Uren, ‘Provocative Premise of Pacific Showdown’, The Australian, 25 August 2012.
Hamish McDonald, ‘If Our Leaders Get Closer to China, They Might Learn What it Really Thinks’, Sydney Morning Herald, 25 August 2012.
Bernard Lane, ‘First Envoy to China Sees Risks in US Alliance’, The Australian, 14 November 2012.
Michael L’Estrange, ‘Don’t Discard Old Ties for New Times’, The Australian, 14 November 2012.
Rowan Callick, ‘Ex-China Diplomat lashes PM‘, The Australian, 8 August 2012.
Mark Dodd, ‘China and US Look to Us as Muse: Beazley‘, The Australian, 9 August 2012.
Hamish McDonald, ‘Balancing Act Doesn’t Have to Revolve Around Fear and Fealty‘, Sydney Morning Herald, 11-12 August 2012.
Rowan Callick, ‘Uni Group “Propaganda” Reshapes Lama Tale‘, The Australian, 13 August 2012.
Peter Cai, ‘China Business Fights Political Backlash‘, Sydney Morning Herald, 13 August 2012.
Paul Garvey, ‘China Takeover Wave Running Out of Power as Investors Question Value’, The Australian, 14 August 2012.
Michael Wesley, ‘The 2012 Vernon Parker Oration’, Australian Naval Institute at the Australian Defence College, Canberra, 14 August 2012.
Rowan Callick, ‘Taiwan Puts Out the Welcome Mat to Australians’, The Australian, 16 August 2012.
Geoffrey Garrett, ‘China Investment Elephant is Well and Truly in the Room’, The Australian, 18-19 August 2012.
Jamie Walker, ‘Clive Palmer: Having It All’, The Weekend Australian Magazine, 18-19 August 2012.
James Massola, ‘Howard Calls for More Chinese Investment‘, The Australian Financial Review, 28 August 2012.
John Kerin, ‘Carr Softens Stance on Aid Diplomacy‘, The Australian Financial Review, 28 August 2012.
Annabel Hepworth, ‘Cyber Crackdown will Lift Costs, Huawei Tells Labor’, The Australian, 28 August 2012.
Kevin Rudd, ‘Chinese Economic Growth and Implications for the Australian Economy’, Address to the Africa Down Under Conference, Perth, 30 August 2012.
Jamie Walker, ‘Chinese Consortium to Pay Less Than $300m for Cubbie Station’, The Australian, 31 August 2012.
Jamie Walker, ‘Cubbie Sale a Disgrace, says Joyce’, The Australian, 1 September 2012.
Hamish McDonald, ‘Silence over General’s Appointment Leaves Public in the Dark’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 1 September 2012.
Karl Bates, ‘Online Openings Developing the Great Mall of China’, The Australian, 3 September 2012.
David Crowe, ‘Joyce Digs in Cubbie as Coalition Fractures Over Foreign Deals’, The Australian, 5 September 2012.
Lauren Wilson and Andrew Fraser, ‘Cubbie Sale Raises Questions of Water Buyback Targets’, The Australian, 5 September 2012.
Andrew Fraser, ‘Britons Dwarf Chinese Investors’, The Australian Financial Review, 6 September 2012, online at
Sophie Morris and James Massola, ‘Treasury Chiefs Allay China Fear’, The Australian Financial Review, 6 September 2012.
Sophie Morris, ‘Machiavellian Myth Due for an Update’, The Australian Financial Review, 6 September 2012.
David Crowe& David Uren, ‘Pollies Told not to Play to the Crowd on Cubbie’, The Australian, 6 September 2012.
Angus Grigg, ‘Huawei Declares Itself Averse to Spying’, The Australian Financial Review, 6 September 2012.
Talking Point, ‘Cubbie’s Water Clouds the Foreign Investment Issue’, The Australian, 6 September 2012.
Peter Marin and Michelle Grattan, ‘Joyce Refuses to Back Off on Cubbie’, The Age, 6 September 2012.
Rowan Callick, ‘Trying to make China More Like Us is Just a Fantasy’, The Australian, 6 September 2012.
Greg Earl, ‘Business Told to Promote Asia Literacy’, The Australian Financial Review, 7 September 2012.
David Uren & Michael Sainsbury, ‘China Told: Rethink State Role’, The Australian, 7 September 2012.
Josh Frydenberg, ‘It’s Time for Gillard to Get Down to Business with China’, The Australian, 7 September 2012.
Adam Shand, ‘Local Hero to Red Tories’, The Australian, 7 September 2012.
Rosanne Barrett, ‘Barnaby Determined to Keep the Farm’, The Australian, 7 September 2012.
Peter Martin, ‘Shock and Ore: China Slowdown Switches Off Swan’s Money Tap’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 8 September 2012.
Sue Neales, ‘Price War Triggers a Milk Run to China’, The Australian, 8 September 2012.
Adam Creighton, ‘China’s Shadow Hits Trade Figures’, The Australian, 8 September 2012.
Paul Cleary, ‘The Pipeline Dries Up’, The Australian, 8 September 2012.
Craig Emerson, ‘Abbott Must Put a Stop to Joyce’s Cubbie Crusade’, The Australian, 8 September 2012.
Angus Grigg, ‘Beijing Turns Economic Data into State Secrets’, The Australian Financial Review, 11 September 2012.
Joe Kelly, ‘Nationals Try to Stem Cubbie “Disunity” ’, The Australian, 11 September 2012.
Phillip Coorey, ‘Coalition Ends Rift as Robb Rips into Joyce’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 11 September 2012.
Matt Wade, ‘NSW’s Economy is Sitting Pretty, Riding on the Dragon’s Back’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 12 September 2012.
Peter Cai, ‘China Plans to Tread with More Care’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 12 September 2012.
Annabel Hepworth & Andrew White, ‘Business Hits Out on China’, The Australian, 15 September 2012.
Scott Murdoch, ‘A Chinese Slowdown “Is Nothing to Fear” ’, The Australian, 15 September 2012.
Rick Wallace, ‘Canberra, Tokyo Call for Beijing to Open Up on Arms’, The Australian, 15 September 2012.
Rowan Callick, ‘Stokes in China Capital Plea’, The Australian, 15 September 2012.
Scott Murdoch, ‘Corporates Told to Look to Asia for Funding Overhaul’, The Australian, 15 September 2012.
Glenda Korporaal, ‘Get Used to Trading in Yuan: Top HSBC Exec’, The Australian, 15 September 2012.
Tony Walker, ‘More Restless Nights for Mid-tier Miners’, Australian Financial Review, 8 September 2012.
Rowan Callick, ‘Trading Places on Resources’, The Australian, 10 September 2012.
Josh Frydenberg, ‘We Can Play a Winning Hand with US, China’, Sydney Morning Herald, 21 September 2012.
He Fan, ‘Australia’s China Challenge’, Australian Financial Review, 21 September 2012.
Philip Wen, ‘Occidental Tourists Make China Pitch’, Sydney Morning Herald, 22 September 2012.
Philip Wen, ‘States First in Line for a Share of China’s $500 Billion War Chest‘, Sydney Morning Herald, 22 September 2012.
Michelle Grattan and John Garnaut, ‘China Seeking Stake in Australian Dairy’, Sydney Morning Herald, 24 September 2012.
Phillip Coorey, ‘Asian Focus is Vital for Economy’s Future, Says Carr’, Sydney Morning Herald, 25 September 2012.
Annabel Hepworth and Damon Kitney, ‘Get Off the Island and Into Asia: Business’, The Australian, 25 September 2012.
Bernard Lane, ‘Innumerate Debate on Asia Literacy’, The Australian, 25 September 2012.
Daniel Flitton, ‘Australia at Sea on China: Fraser’, Sydney Morning Herald, 25 September 2012.
John Garnaut, ‘China Picks Fiji as Venue for New Geopolitical Fight’, Sydney Morning Herald, 26 September 2012.
Cameron Stuart, ‘Malcolm Turnbull Briefed on Chinese NBN Ban’, The Australian, 28 September 2012.
Clancy Yeates, ‘Tapping China’s Vast Market for Services’, Sydney Morning Herald, 29 September 2012.
Andrew Darby, ‘The Milk of China’s Financial Kindness’, Sydney Morning Herald, 1 October 2012.
John Howard, ‘The United States and China – is there really a choice?’, Inaugural Sir John Downer Oration, The University of Adelaide, 2 October 2012.
AAP, ‘No Need to Choose China or US: Howard’, The Australian, 2 October 2012.
Phillip Coorey, ‘Fear Illogical, China Will Embrace Democracy – Howard’, Sydney Morning Herald, 3 October 2012.
Joe Kelly, ‘I’m Not Xenophobic, Says Joyce’, The Australian, 4 October 2012.
Editorial, ‘A Growth Pause While China Puts its House in Order‘, Sydney Morning Herald, 3 October 2012.
Greg Sheridan, ‘A Fracturing China Harder to Predict’, The Australian, 4 October 2012.
David Uren, ‘Rudd Seeks to Pre-empt PM’s China White Paper with his Own Version’, The Australian, 5 October 2012.
‘China Bets $13.8bn on Coal-to-gas Pilot’, Australian Financial Review, 8 October 2012.
‘China’s Huawei, ZTE pose security threat: US’, Australian Financial Review, 8 October 2012.
Greg Sheridan, ‘ALP Seeks Tighter China Ties in New Bob Carr Plan’, The Australian, 8 October 2012.
Jon Tuxworth, ‘Manly Get Serious for Push into China’, Sydney Morning Herald, 12 October 2012.
Peter Cai and Philip Wen, ‘We Need a Change of Mind on China’, Sydney Morning Herald, 13 October 2012.
Peter Hannam, ‘China Shines Brightly in Energy Field’, Sydney Morning Herald, 15 October 2012.
Eli Greenblat, ‘Wine Sales to China Boom’, Sydney Morning Herald, 15 October 2012.
Kevin Rudd, ‘China’s Leadership Change Signals Need for New Strategic Road Map with US’, The Australian, 20 October 2012.
Peter Hartcher, ‘PM Had Cold Feet on US Base Plan’, Sydney Morning Herald, 5 November 2012.
Bernard Lane, ‘First Envoy to China Sees Risks in US Alliance’, The Australian, 14 November 2012.
Sue Neales, ‘Chinese Secure Northern Foodbowl as Row Over Ord River Lease Continues’, The Australian, 14 November 2012.
Cameron Clyne, ‘Funding Australia’s Future – Address by National Australia Bank CEO Cameron Clyne’, Lowy Institute, 13 November 2012; and, commentary by Scott Murdoch, ‘Xenophobia a Threat to Asia Expansion, Says Clyne’, The Australian, 14 November 2012.
Ross Peake, ‘Huawei Ban Still Rankles Chinese‘, The Canberra Times, 19 November 2012.
Deborah Snow, ‘Double Act for Hawke and Howard’, Sydney Morning Herald, 20 November 2012.
Peter Alford, ‘PM Pushes China on Maritime Claims’, The Australian, 21 November 2012.
Michele Ford, ‘Unis Striving to Bridge Asia Gap’, The Australian, 21 November 2012.
Bernard Lane, ‘Former Diplomat Warns of Beijing Role in Chinese Student Activism‘, The Australian, 21 November 2012.
Sue Neales and Nicolas Perpitch, ‘Chinese Sweeten Deal with $700m’, The Australian, 21 November 2012.
Cath Carver, ‘West Shows Way to Asia’s Riches’, The Australian, 22 November 2012.
Tony Milner, ‘Intimacy with ASEAN Not a Choice But a Necessity’, The Australian, 22 November 2012.
Rick Wallace, ‘All Eyes on China in Asian Arms Build-up’, The Australian, 22 November 2012.
Other Recent Papers, Speeches, Events, Articles and Books
‘Celebrating the Fortieth Anniversary of Australia-China Diplomatic Relations’, Australian Embassy, China.
‘China-Australia Relations’, Embassy of the People’s Republic of China, Australia.
‘Launch of the Year of Chinese Culture in Australia Inaugural “Day of China” ’, 10 February 2011.
‘Launch of Imagine Australia Website – Year of Australian Culture’.
Ross Babbage, ‘Australia’s Strategic Edge in 2030’, Kokoda Paper, 15 February 2011.
Chen Yuming (Chinese Ambassador to Australia), ‘China’s Relations with Australia and China’s Global Role’, Leading Australia’s Future in Asia (LAFIA) Program of the Australian Public Service Commission (APSC), 15 June 2012.
Defence White Paper 2009, Department of Defence, Australian Government, 2 May 2009 (for background and some reactions to the White Paper, see the dedication section below).
Remy Davison, ‘Australian Appeasement: the slow boat to China‘, The Conversation, 25 May 2012.
Malcolm Fraser, ‘Malcolm Fraser: 2012 Gough Whitlam Oration‘, The Conversation, 6 June 2012.
Ross Garnaut, ‘China as a Great Power: Some Implications for Australia‘ – Address to Australia China Business Council (Victoria Division) Melbourne’, 13 May 2010.
David Goodman, ‘Why every child under fifteen should learn to speak Chinese‘, The Conversation, 13 April 2012.
Linda Jakobson, ‘Australia-China Ties: in search of political trust’, The Lowy Institute Policy Briefs, 28 June 2012.
Linda Jaivin, ‘Morrison’s World‘, The Seventy-second George E. Morrison Lecture on Ethnology, 13 July 2011, published online by China Heritage Quarterly, Issue 27 (September 2011).
Timothy Kendall, Within China’s Orbit?: China through the eyes of the Australian Parliament, Canberra: Department of Parliamentary Services, 2008.
Steve Lewis and Chris Uhlmann, The Marmalade Files (launched at the National Press Club, Canberra, 31 July by Annabel Crabb and released 1 August 2012), Sydney: Fourth Estate, 2012.
Lewis and Uhlmann, Radio National Breakfast Interview, 25 July 2012.
Melbourne University, ‘2012 Melbourne Conference on China: Global media and public diplomacy in Sino-Western relations / 中国与西方关系中的国际媒体及公共外交‘, 30-31 May 2012.
David Morris, ‘Has Kevin Rudd Failed Us on China?‘, The Conversation, 20 May 2011.
Barak Obama, Speech to Australian Parliament, 17 November 2011. For a recorded version of the speech on Youtube, see here.
Matthew Thompson, ed., ‘Obama’s Speech to Parliament: experts respond‘, The Conversation, 17 November 2011.
Geoff Raby, ‘Australia and China Forty Years On’, Meanjin, 5.8.2012.
James Reilly and Jingdong Yuan, eds, Australia and China at 40, Sydney: UNSW Press, 2012.
Richard Rigby, ‘Face to the World: What drives China’s foreign policy?‘.
Kevin Rudd, ‘Australia and China in the World’, The Seventieth George E. Morrison Lecture, 23 April 2010; (Chinese version).
Max Suich, ‘Diplomacy that Led to Human Catastrophe’, The Australian, 23 June 2012.
‘1930s Couldn’t Happen Again – could they?’, The Australian, 30 June 2012.
‘A Relationship We Take for Granted at our Peril’, The Australian, 14 July 2012.
Wayne Swan, ‘Australia and Asia: On the right side of history’, address to the Australian China Business Council, 28 March 2012.
David Uren, The Kingdom and the Quarry: China, Australia, Fear and Greed. For an excerpt, see Uren, ‘Shifting Sands of Diplomacy’, The Australian, 2 June 2012.
Michael Wesley, ‘Getting China Right‘, Sydney Ideas Festival, University of Sydney, September 2009, The Monthly: SlowTV.
There Goes the Neighbourhood: Australia and the Rise of Asia, Sydney: New South Books, 2011.
China-related blogposts on ‘The Interpreter’, Lowy Institute for International Policy.
Hugh White, ‘Power Shift: Australia’s Future between Washington and Beijing‘, Quarterly Essay 39, September 2010.
‘Power Shift: Our future between Beijing and Washington‘, The Monthly: SlowTV, interview with Hugh White, The Wheeler Centre, October 2010.
Greg Sheridan, ‘Distorted Vision of US-China Relations’, The Australian, 11 September 2010.
John Lee, ‘Don’t Rush to Back Beijing Over Delhi’, The Australian, 13 September 2010.
Paul Dibb, ‘Knocking on Nobody’s Door’, The Australian, 18 July 2011.
John Lee, ‘Rising China has Limited Influence’, The Australian, 12 October 2011.
Stephan Fruehling and Benjamin Schreer, ‘Hugh White and the “Hyperpuissance”’, The Interpreter, 15 September 2010.
Hugh White, ‘US Wakes in Fright as Asian Bedfellow Goes to Hog the Blanket‘, The Age, 17 April, 2012.
‘Australia Keen to Avoid No-win Choice Between China and US‘, The Global Times, 14 June 2012.
Canberra Centenary
Stephen Holt, ‘Two Cheers for Our Centenary’, The Canberra Times, 18 January 2013.
Australia-China by Topic
Australian China Policy (2008-)
Kevin Rudd
(Prime Minister, December 2007-July 2010; Foreign Minister, November 2010-February 2012)
Kevin Rudd, ‘A Conversation with China’s Youth on the Future’, Peking University, 8 April 2008.
‘Kevin Rudd AustCham Address in Beijing’, 4 October 2008, (video).
Greg Sheridan, ‘Kevin Rudd’s Grand Vision for China Policy‘, The Weekend Australian, 6 June 2011.
Kevin Rudd, ‘Chinese Economic Growth and Implications for the Australian Economy’, Address to the Africa Down Under Conference, Perth, 30 August 2012.
Kevin Rudd, website and Twitter feed.
Julia Gillard
(Prime Minister, July 2010-)
‘Julia Gillard in China’, 24 April 2011, ABC report.
Wayne Swan
(Treasurer, December 2007-; Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer, July 2010-)
‘40 Years of Friendship’, speech at a gala dinner celebrating the fortieth anniversary of Australia-China diplomatic relations, Beijing, 13 July 2012.
Bob Carr
(NSW Premier, 1995-2005; Minister for Foreign Affairs, February 2012-)
Transcript of remarks by Senator the Hon Bob Carr, Minister for Foreign Affairs Launch of the Fortieth Anniversary of Australia China Diplomatic Relations, Capital M, Beijing, 15 May 2012.
Stephen McDonell, ‘Carr’s China Talks Dogged by US-Australia Worries‘, ABC, 15 May 2012.
Thoughtlines with Bob Carr, a blog.
Greg Sheridan, ‘Carr’s Co-operation Recipe For a Calmer Sea’, The Australian, 23 August 2012.
Malcolm Turnbull
(Leader of the Opposition, September 2008-December 2009; Shadow Minister for Communications and Broadband)
‘Power Balance in Asia: The Coalition Perspective’, The Lowy Institute, 7 December 2010.
‘China’s Rise Calls for Cool Heads’, Sydney Morning Herald, 6 October 2011.
‘Power Shift: Hugh White’s ‘The China Choice” ‘, The Monthly, August 2012.
Tony Abbott
(Leader of the Opposition, December 2009-)
Tony Abbott, ‘Address to AustCham Beijing, China’, posted online on 24 July 2012.
Rowan Callick, ‘Experts Split over Abbott’s China Speech’, The Australian, 26 July 2012.
John Garnaut, ‘Abbott to China: time for reform’, Sydney Morning Herald, 24 July 2012.
‘Abbott Speech Laments White Australia Policy’, Sydney Morning Herald, 24 July 2012.
Peter Hartcher, ‘On the Road to China, No Damascus Conversion‘, The Age, 15 May 2012.
Greg Sheridan, ‘Abbott’s Beijing Speech Got the Balance Right’, The Australian, 2 August 2012.
Sophie Morris, ‘Howard at Odds with Abbott Over China Investment’, The Australian Financial Review, 31 August 2012.
Julie Bishop
(Deputy Leader of the Opposition, November 2007-; Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs and Shadow Minister for Trade, February 2009-)
‘Address to Australia China Business Council’s Canberra Networking Day, Canberra’, 20 March 2012.
‘Coalition Demands to Know Whether Julia Gillard Shares Kevin Rudd’s Views on China’, The Australian, 6 December 2010.
Defence White Paper
Defence White Paper, Department of Defence, Australian Government, 2 May 2009.
Department of Defence, ‘Defending Australia in the Asia-Pacific Century: Force 2030’, Canberra May 2009.
Patrick Walters, ‘The Making of the 2009 Defence White Paper’, Security Challenges, vol.5, no.2, 2009:1-10.
Cameron Stewart and Patrick Walters, ‘Spy Chiefs Cross Swords over China as Kevin Rudd Backs Defence Hawks’, The Australian, 11 April 2009.
Malcolm Turnbull, ‘Government Errs in Its Strategy’, The Australian, 2 May 2009.
John Garnaut, Michelle Grattan and Anne Davies, ‘Military Build Up Risks New Asian Arms Race’, The Age, 4 May 2009.
Guo Chunmei, ‘Playing Up the China Threat’, Beijing Review, 21 May 2009.
Philip Dorling and Richard Baker, ‘China’s Fury at Defence Paper’, The Age, 10 December 2010.
(Also see the WikiLeaks material below.)
The Minerals Boom
Philip Wen, ‘Chinese Miner Blames Red Tape and Rising Wages for Pilbara Delays’, Sydney Morning Herald, 17 August 2012.
Ayesha de Kretser and Luke Forrestal, ‘Boom Has Longer to Run: Miners’, The Australian Financial Review, 24 August 2012.
Michael Komesaroff, ‘China Lines Up Supplies Much Closer to Home’, Sydney Morning Herald, 24 August 2012.
Rowan Callick, ‘Business, Politics Unite on China Front’, The Australian, 25 August 2012.
Philip Wen, ‘Dragon’s Deep Pockets and Party Ties Raise Investment Stakes’, Sydney Morning Herald, 25 August 2012.
Peter Martin and Matt Wade, ‘After the Boom, the Main Game’, Sydney Morning Herald, 25 August 2012.
Investing in Australia (ODI)
Rowan Callick, ‘There is a Danger our Unbalanced Trade with China will Breed Business Resentment Here‘, The Weekend Australian, 9 July 2011.
Daniel Flitton, ‘China Gives Australia Lecture on Trade’, The Canberra Times, 7 July 2011.
Peter Ker, ‘Sinosteel Joins in Warning of Investment Deterrents‘, Sydney Morning Herald, 8 July 2011.
Amanda O’Brien, ‘Rudd Hits Back at China Over Protectionism‘, The Australian, 12 July 2011.
‘Australia-China Investment Relationship Conference’, Faculty of Business, Government & Law, University of Canberra, 30-31 July 2012; conference site.
‘Demystifying Chinese Investment: China outbound direct investment in Australia’, The University of Sydney Business School, 2 August 2012.
Peter Cai, ‘China Business Fights Political Backlash‘, Sydney Morning Herald, 13 August 2012.
Paul Garvey, ‘China Takeover Wave Running Out of Power as Investors Question Value’, The Australian, 14 August 2012.
Geoff Kitney, ‘Huawei Pleads for a Fair Go’, The Australian Financial Review, 17 August 2012.
Andrew White, ‘GE Urges an Open Door to Chinese Investment’, The Australian, 23 August 2012.
Sophie Morris, ‘Howard at Odds with Abbott Over China Investment’, The Australian Financial Review, 31 August 2012.
Rowan Callick, ‘Bring in Chinese Farmers Call’, The Australian, 23 August 2012.
Language and Cultural Literacy
Julie Hare, ‘Native Students Taking on Language Barriers’, The Australian, 21 August 2012.
Confucius Institutes in Australia
Rowan Callick, ‘Uni Group “Propaganda” Reshapes Lama Tale‘, The Australian, 13 August 2012.
Media Reports (2009-2011)
2009: An Annus Horribilis in the Bilateral Relationship
(Selected articles from the media compiled into a large PDF – 2.2 MB)
Australia-China WikiLeaks, Defence & More, 2010-2011
(Selected articles from the media compiled into a large PDF – 1.6 MB)
An Outline History of the Australia-China Relationship
(The following is the ‘History’ chapter from the CIW-CICIR co-authored Australia and China: A Joint Report on the Bilateral Relationship, Canberra: CIW, ANU, 2012.)
Given the long histories of both countries, the story of relations between Australia and China is relatively short. Despite the possibility of early contact between the two peoples, ongoing contact was only established after European settlement of Australia in the eighteenth century.
The story of this relationship is rich. It goes beyond trade and state-to-state relations. In the early years in particular, the story is about individuals, families and communities and the flow of people, ideas and capital that have bound the two nations.
The first significant interaction between the two peoples occurred during the Australian Gold Rush in the nineteenth century. More than 40,000 Chinese miners arrived on Australia’s gold fields. Many returned to China after some time in Australia while others decided to stay. Despite the prevailing prejudices and cultural attitudes of the time, many Chinese were successful in building lives for themselves in Australia. In doing so they became the first real link between the two countries.
The Chinese community in Australia consolidated itself over time and developed the early trade relationship. In the late-nineteenth century the first relatively wealthy Chinese Australians established themselves through banana plantations and trade. The first exports of wheat from Australia to China began in the early years of the twentieth century. This was followed by the establishment in 1917 of the first large Chinese Australian enterprise in Australia, the China-Australia Mail Steamship Line. But, following the advent of the White Australia Policy, new Chinese arrivals fell dramatically.
A number of Chinese Australians used their experience and success in Australia to establish business operations in China. Australian Chinese established the first major department stores in China, including in Hong Kong and Shanghai. In this movement of capital to China, those with long experience in Australia also took with them modern ideas and practices. Men like Ma Ying Piu (馬應彪/马应彪) and the Gock brothers, James Gockleo (郭樂/郭乐) and Philip Gockchin (郭泉), were the exemplars of this successful group of Chinese Australians. Ma came to Australia in the 1880s to look for gold but later moved into the world of business and worked under the guidance of the famous retailer David Jones. Ma later opened department stores in Hong Kong, Canton and Shanghai.
Just as Chinese came to Australia in the nineteenth century, Australians also travelled to China. The first Australian to study in China was William Mayers from Tasmania, who arrived in China in 1859. Mayers played a key role in negotiations to bring the first railway and steam engine to China. James Bruce was a missionary who travelled to China in the 1890s and died there in 1902. Gladstone Porteous, inspired by Bruce, spent forty years in China’s Yunnan province studying the Yi people and built the first modern hospital in that region.
Influential Australian journalists in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries brought news of events in the Qing Empire (China) to the English-speaking world. George Morrison and William Donald are two well-known figures in this regard. Morrison lived in China for more than twenty years and wrote for The Times in London. His reports of the Boxer Rebellion were read around the world. Both Morrison and Donald did more than report events; they became influential figures in the Chinese politics of the day. Donald played a role in crafting the Declaration of China’s first Provisional President, Sun Yat-sen (孫中山/孙中山) and in drafting the Republic of China’s Provisional Constitution. For his part Morrison served as an adviser to the short-lived President of the Republic, Yuan Shikai. Following in this tradition, Harold Timperley, an Australian journalist, broke the news of the Nanking Massacre to the world in 1937. C.P. Fitzgerald, who made his home in Australia, became an international authority on China in the decades following his first visit in 1923.
The flow also went the other way. The prominent Chinese late-imperial reformer, Liang Qichao (梁啟超/梁启超), visited Australia in 1900-1901 to garner support for the campaign to reform and modernise China. His six-month visit coincided with the creation of the Federation of Australia.
There were also early examples of official contact. The first Chinese diplomatic official to come to Australia was a Consul-General, Liang Lan Hsun (梁瀾勳/梁澜勋) who arrived in Melbourne in 1909. The President of the National Government of China, Dr Lin Sen (林森), visited Australia in the 1930s, and was given a seat on the floor of the House of Representatives – an important symbolic gesture of respect for a visiting national leader. Australia’s first diplomatic official to China, Frederic Eggleston was appointed in 1941, although a trade commissioner had been in China briefly in 1921-22. Another important milestone had been the visit to China of the Mission to the Far East in 1934. This mission, led by the Deputy Prime Minister, J.G. Latham, was Australia’s first attempt at direct political engagement with the region, although it was also seeking trading opportunities.
In 1941, a representative from the Government of the Republic of China was sent to Australia. When the People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949, Australia withheld recognition and maintained diplomatic relations with the authority on Taiwan. However, Australia’s first embassy in Taipei was only established and the first Ambassador sent in 1966.
In 1950, the Korean War broke out. Australian forces fought with the United Nations forces. Chinese troops fought in support of North Korea. Australian and Chinese troops were engaged in direct combat, including at the Battle of Kapyong in April 1951.
Between 1949 and 1972, Australia had no formal diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China. However, links continued through other channels. A number of Australians were sympathetic to Communism and visited China in that context. Trade also continued and was in significant volume. Australian wheat exports to China during the 1960s helped to reduce the impact of food shortages. At the time, wheat exports accounted for most of Australia’s trade with China.
In 1971, Gough Whitlam, the leader of the Australian Labor Party, became the first Australian political leader to visit the People’s Republic of China. At the time, unbeknownst to the Australian Government, the United States was moving towards a dramatic opening of its relations with China.
Relations between Australia and China were normalised in the period between 1972 and 1980. In the context of US strategic adjustment in Asia in the early 1970s and the opening of relations between China and the United States, the mutual desire to restrain Soviet expansionism became the foundation of cooperation between Australia and China. Given this background, Australia and China made adjustments to their foreign policies.
A new chapter in bilateral relations was opened on 21 December 1972 when Australia and the People’s Republic of China formally announced the establishment of diplomatic relations. In 1973, Gough Whitlam became the first Australian Prime Minister to visit China, thereby opening the door for high-level visits and setting in motion future cooperation in a range of fields including science, education, sports, arts and health care. Military-to-military relations were initiated in 1978 with the first exchange of military attachés occurring in 1982. In 1978, China adopted the national policy of ‘reform and opening up’, further facilitating the development of bilateral relations.
From 1981 to 1989, relations between Australia and China developed rapidly. With the end of the Cold War, peace and development became the dominant themes of our time. Australia paid increasing attention to Asia and the Pacific because of its rising economic and strategic importance. Under the Hawke Government, Australia sought greater regional engagement, through, for example, advocating the establishment of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum. China, meanwhile, focused on economic development and national construction, adopting a new-era independent and peaceful approach to foreign affairs. Bilateral relations developed with unprecedented speed as a result of the two countries’ shared emphasis on engagement and cooperation. Reciprocal high-level visits became frequent and there was increased cooperation and consultation on a range of regional issues, including Cambodia, the Korean peninsula, disarmament and non-proliferation and economic cooperation in Asia and the Pacific. After the upheaval of events surrounding 4 June 1989, the development of the relationship between Australia and China was on hold. High-level visits ceased and economic cooperation was postponed.
From 1990 to the present, Australia-China relations have developed pragmatically, and increasingly towards maturity. The Cold War ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union and Eastern European Communist regimes. The basic international relations setting became one superpower with a number of great powers. Economic factors became increasingly important in international relations. Australia continued its policy of close engagement with Asia and the Pacific. It supported and played an important role in the establishment of more effective regional mechanisms and institutions such as APEC and the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF). China’s focus has been on improving its external environment by developing political and economic relations with countries in Asia and the Pacific. It has also experimented with participating in regional institutions created by Australia and other countries, including APEC.
Australia removed its sanctions against China in 1991. Relations between the two countries have developed pragmatically since that time. Strong economic complementarity drove the rapid development of bilateral economic relations. Australia became a major energy supplier for China; in 2005 the two countries started Free Trade Agreement (FTA) negotiations; and, in 2007, China became Australia’s biggest trading partner. With economics and trade as the foundation, the relationship between Australia and China has developed in a healthy, balanced and comprehensive manner.
Selected Works on Australia-China History
Geremie R. Barmé, Geremie R. Barmé, ‘Over 30 years of China and Australia – some thoughts on a glum convergence’, 14 November 2002.
‘Rudd Rewrites the Rules of Engagement‘, Sydney Morning Herald, 12 April 2008.
Brief History of the Chinese in Australia, La Trobe University.
Gloria Davies, ‘Liang Qichao in Australia: a sojourn of no significance?’, East Asian History, No.21, June (2001): 65-111.
Stephen FitzGerald, ‘Australia’s China’, The Fiftieth George E. Morrison Lecture, 9 November 1989, Canberra: The Australian National University, 1989.
‘Australia’s Relations with Asia: Scholars, Practitioners and the Lost Debate (Words for a Book Launch)‘, 17 April 2002, MIALS-Asialink Seminar, Melbourne University.
‘Australia and China at Forty: Stretch of the Imagination‘, 12 November 2012.
John Fitzgerald, ‘Visions of Australian Federation: The View from the Chinese Press Gallery’, in Henry Chan, Ann Curthoys and Nora Chiang, eds, The Overseas Chinese in Australasia: History, Settlement and Interactions, Taipei and Canberra: IGAS, National University of Taiwan and CSCSD Australian National University, 2001, pp.102-116.
‘The Slave Who Would be Equal: The Significance of Liang Qichao’s Australian Writings’, in Billy K.L. So, John Fitzgerald, Huang Jianli and James K Chin, eds, Power and Identity in the Chinese World Order: Festschrift in Honour of Professor Wang Gungwu, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2003, pp.353-373.
‘Australia-China Relations 1976: Looking forward’, R.G. Neale Lecture, 2 August 2007, Canberra: The National Archives.
Big White Lie: Chinese Australians in White Australia, Sydney: University of New South Wales Press, 2007.
Billy Griffiths, The China Breakthrough: Whitlam in the Middle Kingdom, 1971, Melbourne: Monash University Publishing, 2012.
‘Harvest of Endurance‘, scroll.
Linda Jaivin, ‘Morrison’s World‘, The Seventy-second George E. Morrison Lecture on Ethnology, 13 July 2011, published online by China Heritage Quarterly, Issue 27 (September 2011).
Timothy Kendall, Ways of Seeing China: From Yellow Peril to Shangrila, Perth: Freemantle Press, 2005.
‘East Asian History, Issue 34 (December 2007).”>George Ernest Morrison Lectures – A Selection‘, East Asian History, Issue 11 (June 1996).
‘George Ernest Morrison Lectures (1932-1941)‘, East Asian History, Issue 34 (December 2007).
Lachlan Strahan, Australia’s China: Changing Perceptions from the 1930s to the 1990s, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996.